Day 7 Water Windmill & Horse Dairy

We awoke to the sound of  rain running off our thatched roof this morning. A fitting start for our first port of call for the day - a water windmill. They are used for removing the vast amounts of water in Holland. Virtually all of Holland is well below sea level and to make matters worse they have dug down even deeper to use the "turf" for fuel. The turf is really just mud and vegetable matter that they dig up, pat down, dry out and then burn. This is one of the last working water mills in Holland and we were given a fantastic tour by the operator and resident - the "miller" himself.

The Miller lives in the windmill with his family and has to be ready 24 hours a day to set the windmill going when needed. When the wind is at full strength the giant blades rotate with the help of canvas sails about 5 times per minute. This drives the screw type pump in the canal below and can pump 35000 litres per minute.

Nearly all the moving parts are made from huge pieces of timber including all the gears and brake mechanism. The roof is traditional thatched type and in 1990 this windmill was struck by lightening and the very top section was completely destroyed.

After a great morning spent at the windmill we stopped off at a horse dairy where they milk the herd of horses twice a day. They also specialise in hand made chocolates made from the horses milk.
 With the rain starting to
get heavy we decide to
head back to the farm.
Its great weather for the
children to catch up on
some school work.
Simone & Marlojse get
the job of school teachers
for the afternoon.

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